
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Political Situation in Europe and The Future of the Internet

Leisure Time, Intellectual Independence, Free Speech Every human being is different. Under the right circumstances every human being would develop into a different direction. In reality, most people do not develop exactly into the direction that would match their innate abilities and talents because of societal and environmental pressure. In my case, my parents believed that they were doing me good by forcing me to study medicine, because as a doctor you are highly regarded in society and earn good money. They did not understand that these things are relatively unimportant to me, while leisure time, intellectual independence and free speech mean much more to me. For this reason, I am interested in living in a political system that gives me leisure time which I can use for my own purposes, instead of having to work all day and night except for the few breaks which are necessary to consume food, sleep etc., as well as the power to think for myself instead of being forced to adherence to

Prudentia Journal #6 Editorial

Welcome to the sixth issue of Prudentia Journal! Although not even a month has passed since the previous issue, so many things are happening in the world right now that I have decided to release a new issue already now; I also know already now what the topical focus of the next issue will be, so expect it to follow soon, probably within less than a month's time, as well. While I would still like to point your attention to the "Volko Test of Original Thinking", which was published in the previous issue, this issue deals with the political situation in Europe. Prudentia Journal is a magazine distributed via the Internet. The European Parliament is now planning to enact two new laws that face great opposition from people who regularly use the Internet, also known as Netizens. It is to be expected that the new laws will go through and this will show that the Netizens are powerless, even if they stand united against a law. In effect, this might have dangerous consequences rega

Can the State of the Universe Be Stored in a Computer?

This article is a follow-up to my essay "The Universe as Automaton". There, I developed the idea that the state of the universe might be modeled as a three-dimensional matrix and that the entire history of the universe could be represented as a state machine (automaton). In this article I also wrote: "It is not possible to have something that is as large as the entire universe represented by a computer - except, maybe, if it has enough redundancy that a suitable data compression algorithm could be applied." This is what I would like to investigate further now. Can a state of the universe be stored on a computer harddrive? What obstacles are connected with this endeavour? As a computer is part of the universe, it is obvious that the state of the universe can be stored on its harddrive only if we use some sort of encoding that acts as a data compressor. After all, the file that stores the state of the universe must restore itself upon unpacking since it is part of the

The Universe as Automaton

Preface: I am not a physicist by training, but the following text will contain a few thoughts about physics from the perspective of a theoretical computer scientist. Recently there have been several publications by members of high IQ societies concerning the universe and, most of all, the question of the number of dimensions that there are. Here are my thoughts on that matter. I believe there are really only three dimensions of space. I believe so because human beings can only move in these three dimensions, even if we make use of all the technical gadgets we have. If, as I also believe, space is discrete - that is, it consists of many small points similar to the pixels of a screen - the current state of the universe could be modeled as a three-dimensional matrix. Einstein considered time the fourth dimension, but this was a formalism to better describe his theory. In my opinion, however, time is something different than space. Nevertheless one may add time as a fourth dimension to thi

Volko Test of Original Thinking

About this test: This test is supposed to measure the ability of original thinking, that is, the ability to come up with ideas that make sense. This is an important ability in problem solving. This test is scored twice: you get an absolute score for the number of answers I accept, plus bonus points, and you get a score for the ratio between the outcome and the time invested. For this reason please do not forget to measure the time you spend on this test and please be honest about it in order not to contort the statistics. It is recommended that you do not spend more than a hour on this test. Send your answers to cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com and please be patient as I am a busy person. 1. A number sequence starts with: 1, 2, 4. What could be the next two numbers in this sequence? Write down non-random answers that make sense in your eyes and provide logical explanations for them. The more answers that make sense you write down, the higher will be your score. You will, in addition, get a

Prudentia Journal #5 Editorial

Welcome to the fifth issue of Prudentia Journal! In this issue the new "Volko Test of Original Thinking" is presented. Moreover, I republished two articles on the universe, which I wrote already a couple of years ago and originally published in IQ Nexus Journal and WIN ONE, respectively. I hope you will enjoy the test, and I am looking forward to your answers. Enjoy reading! Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com