Prudentia Journal #6 Editorial

Welcome to the sixth issue of Prudentia Journal!

Although not even a month has passed since the previous issue, so many things are happening in the world right now that I have decided to release a new issue already now; I also know already now what the topical focus of the next issue will be, so expect it to follow soon, probably within less than a month's time, as well.

While I would still like to point your attention to the "Volko Test of Original Thinking", which was published in the previous issue, this issue deals with the political situation in Europe. Prudentia Journal is a magazine distributed via the Internet. The European Parliament is now planning to enact two new laws that face great opposition from people who regularly use the Internet, also known as Netizens. It is to be expected that the new laws will go through and this will show that the Netizens are powerless, even if they stand united against a law. In effect, this might have dangerous consequences regarding the freedom of the Internet. It is to be expected that further laws harming free speech on the Net will be passed, and we Europeans will be more and more restricted in our possibilities to express ourselves and our ideas on the Net.

Prudentia Journal relies on the Internet, as this is our sole way of distribution. I have plenty of experience in making magazines that are distributed via the Internet. Without the Internet I would probably be some very minor figure in this world who would not get any attention. With the Internet, I have made the achievement of being connected with like-minded personalities and having the ability of intellectual exchange of ideas, views and experiences. I have even met my girlfriend on the Internet, with whom and whose family I get on very well. Without the Internet, my life would be far unhappier than it is now.

For this reason, I have decided to dedicate a whole issue of Prudentia Journal to the political situation in Europe and the future of the Internet.

Enjoy reading, and feel free to send me feedback!

Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com


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