Old Journal Issues

The articles from Prudentia Journal issues #1 to #15 and the newsletters have meanwhile been added to this blog. But you can also still access these old issues as PDF files:

1. Prudentia Newsletter #1 (August 8th, 2018)

2. Prudentia Newsletter #2 (September 4th, 2018)

3. Prudentia Journal #1 (September 27th, 2018)
About Karl Popper; Why the Gifted Need Support

4. Prudentia Newsletter #3 (November 21st, 2018)

5. Prudentia Journal #2 (December 22nd, 2018)
Hormones, Stress and Immunity; Paradigm Shift Cancer Therapy (Uwe Rohr)

6. Prudentia Journal #3 (January 22nd, 2019)
Symbiont Conversion Theory; Metaphysics and Jungian Personality Theory

7. Prudentia Journal #4 (February 15th, 2019)
Demobit 2019; Fairy Tale "The Developer"

8. Prudentia Journal #5 (March 8th, 2019)
Test Original Thinking; About the Universe

9. Prudentia Journal #6 (March 22nd, 2019)
Political Situation in Europe; Future of the Internet

10. Prudentia Journal #7 (April 18th, 2019)
Development of Europe since French Revolution

11. Prudentia Journal #8 (May 12th, 2019)
Direction the World is Developing Into

12. Prudentia Journal #9 (January 15th, 2020)
Metaphysics for Monkeys

13. Prudentia Newsletter #4 (May 8th, 2020)

14. Prudentia Journal #10 (February 1st, 2021)
A Note on Opinion; The Ape of God

15. Prudentia Journal #11 (March 4th, 2021)
A Note on IQ; On High IQ Societies

16. Prudentia Journal #12 (April 5th, 2021)
Optimal IQ: A Speculative Model

17. Prudentia Journal #13 (June 2nd, 2021)
Variations; Intelligence and Academic Discourse

18. Prudentia Journal #14 (July 9th, 2021)
Unsolved Problems

19. Prudentia Journal #15 (August 2nd, 2021)
Should all IQ societies merge?


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