Volko Test of Original Thinking

About this test: This test is supposed to measure the ability of original thinking, that is, the ability to come up with ideas that make sense. This is an important ability in problem solving.

This test is scored twice: you get an absolute score for the number of answers I accept, plus bonus points, and you get a score for the ratio between the outcome and the time invested. For this reason please do not forget to measure the time you spend on this test and please be honest about it in order not to contort the statistics. It is recommended that you do not spend more than a hour on this test.

Send your answers to cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com and please be patient as I am a busy person.

1. A number sequence starts with: 1, 2, 4. What could be the next two numbers in this sequence? Write down non-random answers that make sense in your eyes and provide logical explanations for them. The more answers that make sense you write down, the higher will be your score. You will, in addition, get a bonus point for each logical principle by which the fifth number in the sequence becomes lower than the fourth number.

2. What may an apple and a pear have in common? Again, the more possible answers you provide, the higher your score.

3. What may be the differences between a (particular) city and a (particular) village? Again, the more possible answers you provide, the higher your score.

4. What can a pencil be used for? Again, the more possible answers you provide, the higher your score.

5. How long did you work on this test, so that I can calculate a ratio between the outcome and the time invested?

Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com


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