Demobit 2019 Photo Gallery

Demobit 2019 was a demoparty in Bratislava, Slovakia, beginning of February 2019. This event is held on an annual basis since 2017. Before that, there were events in the time period 1995 to 2001 when the main organizer of the event, Zden Hlinka, was still a high school student. In 2001 to 2017 he was focusing on his career and finally he has felt nostalgic about the old memories of the demoscene and therefore decided to resurrect the party. 

Such events are held at various places, mostly in Europe, throughout the year. People, often from abroad, gather there to participate in creative computing competitions: graphics, music, animations, demos, intros, these are the categories which are to be found at any demoparty. At Demobit 2019, I participated in the photo competition, the 256 byte intro competition and the "one scene" competition (a competition for demos with a restricted execution time of one minute).

The location of the event was the Binarium, a site where several IT-related start-up companies have their offices. Take a look at some photos of the event now!



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