Prudentia Journal #3 Editorial

Welcome to the third issue of Prudentia Journal!

While I presented the scientific research which I conducted together with my late friend and mentor Dr. Uwe Rohr in the previous issue, this issue consists of two related articles which I wrote after Uwe's passing away.

One of them is about a new scientific theory that might have great potential – I called it "Symbiont Conversion Theory". The other article is called "The Synthesis of Metaphysics and Jungian Personality Theory". I wrote both articles in the past year and I am really proud of both of them, as they contain new thoughts and ideas (proving that I am an original thinker).

As written in the previous issue, Uwe was a researcher in phytoestrogens and steroid hormones. He investigated in particular why soy isoflavones such as daidzein and genistein have such a positive effect on the treatment of severe mental diseases, infectious diseases, cancer and wounds, and hypothesized that they acted by influencing the steroid hormone cascade, converting stress hormones into immunity hormones. For more information check out my website dedicated to Uwe:

The two articles in this issue are based on Uwe's works but go far beyond it. While the former article might be considered a solid scientific paper, the latter is grounded on metaphysics and thus goes beyond the realms of science. I think this is makes it far more interesting than if I restricted myself to things for which scientific evidence can be provided. Things we can only speculate about are the really interesting things in life and in the world, in my humble opinion.

I hope you had a great Christmas and that the new year 2019 started well for you. Fortunately I am fine myself, but among my friends a couple are struggling with health problems, which, as a caring person, does not leave me cold. I am trying my best to support them.

Enjoy reading!

Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com


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