Prudentia Journal #2 Editorial

Welcome to the second issue of Prudentia Journal!

This issue is about the scientific research which I conducted together with my late friend and mentor Dr. Uwe Rohr. Uwe was also interested in the promotion of the highly gifted, as he in his life faced discrimination by his less talented peers himself.

There will definitely be a follow-up on this. Probably the third issue of Prudentia Journal will contain a couple of more related articles.

Basically, Uwe was a researcher in phytoestrogens and steroid hormones. He investigated in particular why soy isoflavones such as daidzein and genistein have such a positive effect on the treatment of severe mental diseases, infectious diseases, cancer and wounds, and hypothesized that they acted by influencing the steroid hormone cascade, converting stress hormones into immunity hormones.

As I wrote on the website (I registered this domain to keep up the memory of Uwe's works), it is commonly accepted by medical scientists that soy isoflavones have similar effects as the adiols (androstanediol and androstenediol), which are steroid hormones that naturally appear in the human organism, including anti-inflammatory and anti-androgenic effects. However, Uwe Rohr was of the opinion that soy isoflavones did not exert this effect directly but rather indirectly by stimulating the conversion of other steroid hormones into adiols. Moreover, he suggested that there are two types of steroid hormones: One type is released as a reaction to stress, boosts physical performance and weakens the immune system. The other type, which the adiols belong to, has exactly the opposite effect. Uwe Rohr believed that by converting what he called stress hormones into immunity hormones, severe mental diseases, infectious diseases and even cancer could be effectively treated.

This issue of Prudentia Journal features a short popular-scientific review article about Uwe's research which I originally published in IQ Nexus Journal and the English translation of an article written by Uwe and me which first appeared in a magazine published by yet another high IQ society (in German).

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com


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