On the Meaning of IQ

IQ is a measure for the performance of the human brain. Usually IQ tests primarily consist of tasks that require problem-solving skills. As some say, IQ can also be considered the ability to make predictions. In general, it is a skill, or a set of skills, that is more dependent on human physiology than on education. A person with no or little education might still have a well-working brain and score high on an IQ test. However, I personally encourage pursuing educational goals once a high IQ is diagnosed; with knowledge, a high IQ is an even greater gift than without, for IQ enables you to process knowledge and come up with new conclusions yourself.

Another definition of intelligence is also that it is "reasoning ability". That is, the ability to come up with correct conclusions provided that the premises are correct. Reasoning ability plays a huge role in the thinking and acting of human beings. It enables human beings to think and act rationally.

Claus Volko, cdvolko (at) gmail (dot) com


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