News / Status Update

Almost a month has passed since the first newsletter. Meanwhile we have a total of eleven members and there are a couple more people who have expressed interest in our society, yet have not joined it until now. I am particularly happy that we already have three members in my home country Austria and I especially wish to gain more members here so that real-life, face-to-face meetings will hopefully be a reality soon.

I have recently added the option to list one's interests in the members list at the website The reason for this is that we want to enable our members to work together on research projects and debate about sophisticated topics at a high level. So it makes sense to gather information on who is interested in what. It is already clear to see that there are some areas of interests which several of our members share, such as philosophy and psychology. Hopefully this will eventually lead to fruitful collaboration. While Prudentia is not limited to university graduates, we particularly encourage people who have enjoyed higher education to join the club. Unlike some other high IQ societies, Prudentia is not just about boasting with one's IQ, but about debate and collaboration on projects.

There is a Prudentia group at Facebook which is currently located at the URL That URL might change in the future. Since there have been requests from non-members of Prudentia to join this group, I have started a poll in the group whether non-members should be let into this group. The majority shall decide.


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