Longevity Medicine – State of the Art 2024
In 2005, the former artificial intelligence researcher who became a biologist, Aubrey de Grey, proposed a detailed plan called “strategies for engineered negligible senescence” (SENS), aimed at preventing age-related physical and cognitive decline. Two years later, he published the book “Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs that Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime”, in which he wrote in detail about seven issues and measures how to repair them (table taken from Wikipedia): Issue Proposed countermeasures Extracellular aggregates Immunotherapeutic clearance Accumulation of senescent cells Senescence marker-targeted toxins, immunotherapy Extracellular matrix stiffening AGE-breaking molecules, tissue engineering Intracellular aggregates Novel lysosomal hydrolases Mitochondrial mutati...