On High IQ Societies
In the World Genius Directory currently 157 high IQ societies are listed, and that list is not exhaustive – there are several more than these. At the same time communication via Internet resources is highly developed, and many high IQ people are connected to each other via Facebook. In the following essay I want to investigate whether high IQ societies make sense nowadays. We all know the story of Mensa: two passengers in a train noticed that both of them enjoyed solving logical puzzles, and so they decided to found a club for people who enjoy solving logical puzzles. Now the question is why they made an IQ of 130 the requirement for joining this club. After all, enjoying logical puzzles does not necessarily require a particular IQ. So perhaps the basic idea of Mensa is wrong; instead of requiring a high IQ, they should select their members for whether they enjoy solving logical puzzles. Mensa might be based on a categorical mistake. However, that does not mean that the idea of high IQ...